Reduced Utility Rates
The City of Deer Park offers reduced rates to low-income senior and low-income disabled customers on water, sewer, and solid waste utilities provided by the City. The program includes both homeowners and renters who are the head of the household and live in a residence in the City and receive City of Deer Park water and sewer services bills and/or Waste Management solid waste services bills.
The requirements that must be met to receive this 20% discount is as follows:
- Senior Customer- Must be 62 years of age or older. Annual household income must be $50,000 or less for a single person or $50,000 or less for a married person.
- Disabled Customer- Must be 18 years of age or older & is disabled as defined in Deer Park Municipal Code 3.38.020 . Total annual household income must be $50,000 or less for a single person or $50,000 or less for a married person.